
Euclid Sunshine Law issues during pandemic

I am happy to announce a settlement was reached in the Sunshine Law lawsuit against the City of Euclid.  A Stipulated Notice of Dismissal was filed with the Cuyahoga Court of Common Pleas today ( Case No. CV 19 912419 ) .  The Council President admitted to some wrongdoing in an affidavit accompanying the City's Motion for Summary Judgment, but made assurances that corrections have been made for the future.  Another motivating factor for the settlement was a concern with proceeding with a jury trial during the pandemic. 

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Volume 11, Issue 9, Posted 4:04 PM, 09.03.2020

Deer Nuisance

Here is my story for The Euclid Observer but I know it won't be published.

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Volume 11, Issue 4, Posted 4:26 PM, 04.01.2020

Justice for Mickey

For those who are not familiar with the horrific event that occurred on March 2, 2019 in his home on Alberton Ave, in Euclid, a man named Alfred Schlick is alleged to have stabbed his female dog, "Mickey" to death, while under the influence.

 The 8 page police report including officers statement and Schlick's statement to the officer that arrested him, is public knowledge. The veterinarian's report is not yet public pending the actual trial. Although the fact remains that Mickey did indeed suffer in death with wounds consistent with "puncture" and not gun shot.

Goddard’s Law, HB 60 (now ORC 959.131) was created for just this scenario and in my opinion, is being trivialized and mocked by the action of Prosecutor Mary Riley Casa.

Another vital pretrial is now set for Thursday, July 11, 2019. On that day the defense and prosecutor may arrive at a plea deal.!!!!!! On that day it will not be 'deal or no deal' as seen on tv. This is a reality show called......'no deal'.

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Volume 10, Issue 7, Posted 12:30 PM, 07.07.2019

Euclid Prosecutor Responds

The case at issue in this article was thoroughly investigated by the City of Euclid Detective Bureau. After reviewing the evidence, and taking all pertinent factors into consideration, Mr. Schlick was charged under Ohio Revised Code section 959.131(B), which specifically addresses killing a companion animal. In order to maintain the integrity of the prosecution of this matter, the City will not discuss the underlying facts of this case while it is still pending in the Euclid Municipal Court.

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Volume 10, Issue 7, Posted 12:30 PM, 07.07.2019

We Have a Winner

Paul Beno has sent us a picture proving he has correctly found the "Where am I" from the March paper. He will be the lucky winner of a $25 gift certificate from Great Scott Restaurant. The marker commemorartes a landmark Supreme Court Court involving the City of Euclid. On June 9, 2016, the City of Euclid and the Euclid Landmarks Commission dedicated an Ohio Historical Marker at the Euclid Police Mini-Station on HGR Industrial Surplus’ property at 20001 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, Ohio, to formally recognize the site at the center of the U.S. Supreme Court case.

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Volume 10, Issue 4, Posted 3:01 PM, 03.30.2019

Merchant Data Breaches, the Gift that Won’t Stop Giving

The pressure is on. You’ve grabbed the last of this holiday season’s popular toy off the shelf. You race to the checkout counter, swipe your debit card, and… “declined!” Why, you wonder? Chances are, it’s because your debit or credit card information has been compromised due to a merchant whose data protection infrastructure was penetrated by fraudsters forcing your financial institution to suspend your account.

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Volume 10, Issue 1, Posted 5:14 PM, 01.08.2019

The Peoples Perspective

As a current resident and as an American citizen, I wish to aid in making  Euclid great again.

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Volume 10, Issue 1, Posted 5:14 PM, 01.08.2019


        This is the fourth and final article in a series intended to increase awareness about local bike laws so that travelling around town can be safe and peaceful for cyclists and motorists alike.

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Volume 9, Issue 11, Posted 12:01 PM, 11.04.2018

Is your voter registration up to date?

Voters must be registered in Cuyahoga County in order to vote in any election. In order to vote in Cuyahoga County, you must meet the following requirements:

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Volume 9, Issue 9, Posted 12:13 PM, 09.07.2018


This article is the second in a series intended to give you a better understanding about laws that are in place to ensure safe and efficient shared used of roads between motorists and cyclists.  In last month’s article, we covered the basics: bikes are considered vehicles, they must generally follow the same rules as cars and they have certain equipment requirements. Once a bike and cyclist are ready to go, the next concern is deciding where to ride.

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Volume 9, Issue 9, Posted 12:13 PM, 09.07.2018

Third-Generation Plastic Fabricator and Distributor Calls Euclid Home

Mitch Opalich, president of Indelco Custom Products, Inc., is the third generation of Opaliches to steer the business that has been in existence since 1965. The company originally was founded by Opalich’s father, George, and grandfather, Stephen, both engineers, as Cleveland Plastic Fabricators & Suppliers, Inc., when they were asked by a national manufacturing customer of their metalworking company to fabricate and machine plastics.

Since the family lived in Collinwood and Richmond Heights, Opalich says, “It made sense to locate the business in Euclid due to its proximity to a high concentration of manufacturing and OEM companies,” and it has remained here even though the Opaliches sold the business to their employees in the early 1970s. In 1994, Mitch Opalich bought the business back after finishing graduate school and working in the financial industry. He sold the company in 2008 to a Minneapolis-based plastics distributor, and the name changed to Indelco in 2014. Though he no longer owns the company, he remains president, and the company remains family owned by the Dore brothers. Opalich sold the business to leverage the buying power, infrastructure and capital of the third-largest player in the industry. He met the owners through his membership in the International Association of Plastics Distribution. Indelco Cleveland currently has more than 250 customers, 50 percent of which are in Northeast Ohio.

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Volume 7, Issue 4, Posted 6:02 PM, 04.06.2016

Amendment Articles by Students

How nice to see so many Euclid High students write their observations about the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to our U.S. Constitution in October's issue of the Observer. They wrote with clarity of purpose as they discussed Search and Seizure and the rights of people who have been accused of commiting crimes. These amendments to the Constutution, along with all the others, are important for teens to learn as they mature and become voting members of society.

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Volume 6, Issue 11, Posted 11:44 AM, 11.25.2015

Our 4th and 5th Amendment Rights

As stated in the Bill of rights we are entitled to certain unalienable rights. The two I will be discussing in this piece are the fourth and fifth amendments within court cases that involved teenagers. The fourth amendment is the right to not have search and seizure done without a warrant unless there is a reasonable cause for the search and seizure. This right is limited in public buildings at times such as schools.  The fifth amendment protects you from self-incriminating yourself.

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Volume 6, Issue 10, Posted 5:32 PM, 10.12.2015

What rights do you have when you are pulled over by the police?

What do you do when you get pulled over by a police officer? Teens may not understand what rights everyone has in this situation. When you first get pulled over, the officer will explain why they have pulled you over. One of your main rights is the right to remain silent. If the officer asks you “Do you know how fast you were going,” you don’t have to respond. Your silence won’t be used against you in court. Always do as the officer tells you, do not argue with him/her, that will only make the situation worse. The officer may not tell you before, that you can refuse a search under your fourth amendment right.  Knowing your rights is very important especially when it involves the law.

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Volume 6, Issue 10, Posted 5:32 PM, 10.12.2015

Teen Rights

Teens tend to have a misunderstanding of their rights when stopped by the police. First of all the Fourth Amendment requires that the police have a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been, is being, or is about to be committed before stopping a suspect. When stopped by the police, adults and teens alike have the right to remain silent. This right is the most important because it prevents you from saying anything that may incriminate yourself. The 4th amendment protects people from being searched or having their property taken away from them without any good reason. A police officer must have a warrant to search and seize your property. This ties into the right to remain silent because if you don’t give your consent a police officer must get a warrant. With this in mind, police do have the right to frisk you if they suspect a person is armed and dangerous.  If you unfortunately are arrested you still have rights. No one can be put on trial for a very serious crime, unless a grand jury decides first that there is enough evidence so that the trial is needed. If the grand jury decides there is enough evidence there will be a trail. In the supreme court case Gideon v. Wainwright (1962), Gideon was accused of committing a felony and he petitioned the judge to provide him with an attorney free of charge. The judge denied Gideon’s request. The supreme court ruled that indigent defendants must be provided representation without charge. It’s also good to know that the government does not have the power to make someone testify against himself. In the case of Mapp v. Ohio (1961), police searched Mapp’s house and found evidence. Mapp argued that the police did not get a warrant so the evidence should be suppressed. The supreme court ruled that any illegally obtained evidence could not be used in court. The supreme court applied the exclusionary rule which states that evidence collected in violation of the defendant's constitutional rights is sometimes inadmissible for a criminal prosecution in a court of law. The case of Kent v. United States (1966) was about Morris Kent, 16,  who had been on probation for burglary and theft, got arrested and charged with three counts of home burglaries, three counts robberies, and two counts of rape. Due to the seriousness of these crimes the prosecutor wanted Kent’s case to be tried in adult court. Without a hearing, the judge sided with the prosecutor and sent Morris to adult court, where he was found guilty and sentenced to 30 to 90 years in prison. Kent argued that the case should have stayed in juvenile court. The supreme court ruled that juvenile can be tried and punished as an adult. The judge's decision must weigh the factors, which include the seriousness of the crime; the juvenile's age; and the defendant's criminal background and mental state. If you are tried and the trial ends, the case cannot be tried again.  As an American citizen it is your right and obligation to uphold the laws of the land.

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Volume 6, Issue 10, Posted 5:32 PM, 10.12.2015

The State of Euclid's Park

Tonight I walked around the track in Euclid Park and was happy to see the construction fence was down.  Before it is too late, some minor improvements must be made. First of all, the half that is about to be seeded should have a sprinkler system installed to keep the park looking like a first class park.  Many years ago, Euclid Park was listed in the Parade Magazine as one of the five top floral parks on the great lakes.  Not any more.   

Euclid Park hosts more people than any other area of Euclid besides the hospital.  People come to weddings and other events at the Senior Community Center from all over greater Cleveland and all over the country.  We have seniors who have lunch there daily and the trees and weeds are starting to block the view of the lake.  This is actually the front door or rather the back patio of Euclid.

The contractor recently placed loads of large rocks on the top of the outfall.  Nothing was put under the rocks to prevent weeds from growing up and making the area look like the disaster that is now the bank of that formerly beautiful park.  The roadway to the beach and the access path has been covered and getting to the beach will be extremely difficulty.  The beach is now covered with huge tree trunks and nearly impassable.  One of the huge boulders that border the outfall is tettering and will fall into the outfall channel soon.  We fear a teenager or child will decide to move it to see it fall. Bob DiMinico had the large grassy slope removed and put huge rocks at the base of the slope.  Weeds, trees and brush have replaced the grassy slope and we now have an overgrown, ugly bank that is an embarassment to our City. A neighbor on E. 224 has complained for years that the rose thistle weeds are spreading throughout our neighborhood.  There are large holes where poles and trees have been removed and people have fallen or tripped in them.

We see the bridal parties trying to take pictures, but the weeds are in the way of beautiful wedding pictures.  Let's bring back some class to our City.  The Mayor promised that the bank would be taken care of with the completion of the construction and the park restored to a beautiful park once again. He told us that there was money available to do it right.  It looks, however, like the new rocks will add to the weeds and ugliness that the bank now has.  Does anyone on Council or the Administration care about this community jewel at all?  The opportunity to correct this is here now, let's do it right.  

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Volume 6, Issue 9, Posted 6:16 PM, 09.08.2015

Legally Speaking...Wills Not Sufficient

Wills do not provide tax benefits.  A Last Will and Testament is legally insufficient to protect assets; Living Trusts do so!  It is a common misconception to rely upon a Will to protect and transfer estate assets, without taxes, costs, and time. 

Under the Probate laws of each state, upon the death of a Testator (maker) of a Will, the Probate Court acquires legal jurisdiction to administer the disposition of estate assets.  The probate laws require preparation of formal court filings of the Will within a specific time period after death, appointment of Executor, attendance at hearings, defend challenges to the Will, creditor claims, and to prepare and pay the taxes and costs, frequently in excess of 10% of the estate value. Transfers of title to real property ("real estate") to heirs or beneficiaries may be delayed for more than a year or longer.


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Volume 5, Issue 8, Posted 4:51 PM, 09.04.2014

The Parking Ban An Antiquated Ordinance

Euclid, to me, a great city.  And it's not the only suburb I've had the pleasure of being a resident.  I've lived in Parma, Richmond Hts, Fairview Park and Lakewood in the past.  As first ring suburbs go, it's pretty great.  And Euclid has a lot to offer.  I can't find fault with much! ....Except......

Euclid has a 2 am to 6am parking ban in residential neighborhoods.  Don't get me wrong, most suburbs do, and I understand the basis to the ordinance.  Usually it is due to keeping junk cars out of the neighborhood, give the streets a cleaning at night, make the neighborhood look nice.  I get it, I really do.

Now for some history.  Most first ring suburbs, Euclid included, were built for the most part prior to 1960.  Now, back in the days when these houses were built, they were built with a one lane driveway and a one car garage. Rationale is most Americans prior to 1970 had usually one car, and MAYBE a station wagon for mom.  Mom was usually home when dad came home, so he had the street side of the driveway, not the garage side.  All dad had to do was drop the transmission into reverse and he was gone.


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Volume 5, Issue 4, Posted 3:32 PM, 05.14.2014


The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections has announced their plans to continue to make bilingual ballots and all other voting materials available in Spanish and English.  The 2010 Federal agreement (Consent Decree) between the Board of Elections and the US Department of Justice will expire on March 30, 2014.  The agreement included providing bilingual ballots and other voting materials to Spanish speaking voters who were educated in Puerto Rico.


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Volume 5, Issue 3, Posted 12:54 PM, 04.11.2014

Make Your Home's First Impression Count

Professional Staging Sells Homes FAST

The real estate market is beginning to heat up, but it’s still a buyer’s market. In order for you to sell your home fast and at the best price, you need buyers to be WOWED the moment they walk through your door. So what’s the key to selling your home in the least amount of time for the most amount of money? It’s staging.

What is staging?

Staging is not just about decorating. It’s about making your home stand out from the crowd. It’s about highlighting your home’s most attractive features so prospective buyers are sure to notice them. It’s showing your home in a way that makes it very easy for prospective buyers to see themselves living there. It positions your home to maximize its competitive edge over other houses on the market.

To get the biggest bang for your buck, you should stage your home before it goes on the market. You want your realtor as well as prospective buyers to see your home in its best light.

As a professional stager and owner of Touched by Design, it is my job to provide you with an objective set of eyes to guide you as we get your home ready to sell. I use a professional scoring system to put together your home’s staging action plan helping you to create a “model home” look that sells.

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Volume 4, Issue 1, Posted 12:57 PM, 02.13.2013

Local conundrums in a misguided state-- Vote "Yes" on Issue 109

The people of Euclid are tired of being asked to pay more in taxes. If you look at the Euclid Schools Facebook page you’ll see the postings of angry and frustrated residents. People are distressed at the idea of having to shell out more. People wonder, “Why can’t our schools manage with the funds they already receive?”  

Providing for Education is the Responsibility of the State.

Our founding fathers wrote a constitution that divided responsibilities between the states and the federal government. Providing for education is the responsibilities of state governments.  

Ohio chose to fund education through a revenue formula in which the primary source of educational funds is generated from residential and commercial property taxes. This was a great way to fund schools when Ohio was a manufacturing and industrial powerhouse. It has been most ineffective since the 1970’s when manufacturing and industry fled Ohio.

In a nutshell, the funding formula and the change in our state economy means residential property owners now are responsible for a higher percentage of the revenue generated to fund the schools than they were 40 years ago.

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Volume 3, Issue 10, Posted 4:11 PM, 10.05.2012

Love them enough to help them

I understand the feeling behind the words “I can’t volunteer at the animal shelter because I’d want to take all the animals home with me.”  I get it. I’d like nothing more than to live on a huge piece of property with my husband and our kids, opening our home to every animal in need of rescue.

Every week when, as a Euclid Pet Pals volunteer, I leave the Euclid Animal Shelter at the end of my shift, there is at least one animal, usually a dog, who stays in my heart and mind. The white puppy who, because he was deaf, slept unaware of the anxious barking which surrounded him. The gray terrier mix (“Precious”), new to motherhood, left behind as her puppies were adopted. The black and white cat (“Nefertiti”) who spends all her days in a cage because the huge number of cat and kitten roommates overwhelms her.  The rabbit, guinea pig, mouse, rat, turtle… all waiting for homes.

So what’s a soft-hearted animal lover to do?

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Volume 3, Issue 10, Posted 4:12 PM, 10.05.2012

Insights on Insurance

The year 2012 began with an unusual number of tornadoes during January. The first major tornado outbreak occurred on January 22-23, when a spring-like system moved across the southern Mississippi valley, producing at least two dozen confirmed tornadoes across Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama. As a whole, January was the third most active on record, behind 1999 and 2008. Despite this, a significant contrast in activity occurred for the month of February. Despite a slow beginning, the month of February ended with a significant tornado outbreak on the 28th and 29th. Another ramp-up in activity occurred in early March, with one of the largest outbreaks ever recorded in the United States for that time of the year. This outbreak produced 160 reported tornadoes, and affected areas across Indiana and Kentucky in particular. Using the adjusted preliminary tornado count (85% of the total preliminary reports in order to remove overcount), 2012 attained record tornado activity on March 23 with 319 reports, eclipsing the previous record of 317.

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Volume 3, Issue 4, Posted 10:39 AM, 05.04.2012

Congratulations to the "Dean of the Euclid School Board," Kay VanHo, on her impressive reelection to the Euclid School Board.

Congratulations to the "Dean of the Euclid School Board," Kay VanHo, on her impressive reelection to the Euclid School Board.    VanHo was elected to her seventh term on Tuesday, coming in first place in a four-way race, handily defeating her next opponent by over 2000 votes.  A former educator, VanHo will become the longest-serving school board member in Euclid history when she is sworn in for her new term in January.  She is also currently the longest-serving elected official in Euclid, having first been elected in 1987, and one of the longest-serving school board members currently serving in the state of Ohio.  She is also the wife of Greg VanHo, who was reelected to another term on Euclid City Council, where he represents Ward Eight.   In her seventh term, VanHo is looking forward to the opening of Euclid's four new elementary schools.  She is also planning to continue lobbying the Ohio legislature to improve Ohio's school funding formula, which has been declared to be unconstitutional on multiple occasions.    In addition to their victories on Election Day, Kay and Greg VanHo, who have been married for 41 years, are anticipating another major milestone this month: their son, Akron attorney Adam VanHo (EHS '94), and his wife, Tina Merlitti, are expecting the VanHo's first grandchild: Michael Anthony VanHo.  The VanHos are also the parents of Tara VanHo (EHS '96), an international human rights attorney and PhD student currently living in England; and Valerie VanHo (EHS '99), a Luitenant in the United States Navy currently assigned to the U.S.S. Laboon in Norfolk, Virginia.



Editors note by Liz Copic - As a childhood best friend of Val, I've been close with the VanHo family since elementary school, and am as proud as Adam is to wish Mama Kay a big congratulations on her re-election. Without the VanHo family I wouldn't have joined Rainbows where I made lifelong friends & learned to help the community, I wouldn't have joined Flag Corps where I learned to work as a team & later to lead a team, and I wouldn't have gotten to see first hand how being involved in your city hall and school board can improve not only the lives of your children, but of all of your neighbors. Much love to the whole family, your new grandson, and Happy Belated Birthday to Tara

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Volume 3, Issue 1, Posted 1:37 PM, 02.02.2012

October Horoscopes

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) *****

It’s time to celebrate Fall, so wake up and answer its call. Others behavior might make you appalled, forget the smalls, and go to more masquerade balls. This Month above all, pursue the art of being enthralled.

Lucky Number - 12

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) *****

Last month you finances paid the price, but after some advice, and thinking precise, things are finally nice. When one food won’t suffice, eat a thousand rice. This Month roll the dice to get your romance off the ice.

Lucky Number – 1,001

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19) *****

Merging energy is what this month is all about, in love, in business, or all throughout. If your diet is making you stout, try a brussel or alfalfa sprout. This Month don’t pout, if you scout your route, you’ll succeed without a doubt.

Lucky Number - 19

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) *****

Someone at work is clearly the weakest link, and starting to make everything stink. If you rethink, reorganize, and  have a caffeinated drink, you’ll save things in a blink. This Month if you wear pink, you might get a wink.

Lucky Number - 709

 Gemini (May 21 – June 20) *****

Enjoy the bountiful harvest, with various veggies from oddest to largest. If love doesn’t combust as promised, use stardust like an artist. This month try to travel the farthest.

Lucky Number - 31415

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) *****

If your opinions don’t meet, greet your obstacles with a sweet treat, and make things complete. more downbeat, and cook tasty meat of wheat. This Month avoid being obsolete by sending a tweet.

Lucky Number - 443

Leo (July 23 – Aug 22) *****

Despite others plight, ever polite you help make it all right. Accept an invite for a bright time where you can reunite. This Month focus on what you need to write, whether it’s fictional, legal or digital, write day and night because it’ll bring you delirious delight.

Lucky Number – 1297

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22) *****

To succeed at work, don’t think clientele or personnel but Mademoiselle. At home rebel, be your own pastel gazelle, and eat caramel. This Month you finally lift the spell, and say farewell to what made your finances fell.

Lucky Number - 22

 Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22) *****

All you can think about is Halloween, and how much you want to pick up your tambourine and a cocktail with tangerine. Keep your workspace clean and stock up on caffeine to avoid problems unseen, and tear it up like Wolverine. This Month hit the scene, embrace daring cuisine, and hug someone Slovene.

Lucky Number - 18

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) *****

After work sunk shrunk and went kerplunk, you finally debunk and move on from the skunk. Spelunk the house and the trunk, to get rid of all the junk. This Month think funk to have all day spunk.

Lucky Number - 2

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) *****

Be flexible but don’t rush in, on plans for the future you want to begin. For a romantic win, in the moment go all in. This Month make time to carve a pumpkin.

Lucky Number - 100

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19) *****

Your career has finally awoke, and has taken center stage as you spoke. Remove the cloak and fix what’s broke. This Month family folk won’t appreciate a practical joke.

Lucky Number - 25+1


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Volume 2, Issue 8, Posted 1:30 PM, 10.06.2011

September Horoscopes

Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 19) *****

You want to be free to go to the picture show and taekwondo. You'll never outgrow your love for Sloppy Joe. This Month - Don't let a type-o let you lose your mojo. Lucky Number - 4r


Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) ****

To be as triumphant as Alexander the Great, focus on how you communicate. Don't hate feedback, take it straight, then recreate. This Month don't wait, now is the time to celebrate. Lucky Number - 2,000,000


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) *****

Be selective in what you give, not who you forgive. In romance be more connective instead of being like a detective. This month your main objective is perspective to be more affective. Lucky Number - 68


Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) ****

In 2011 this could be your best month ever. Be clever, and you'll succeed with every endeavor. This month won't last forever, so live it up whenever wherever whoever whatsoever and with a guy named Trevor. Lucky Number - Pi


Gemini (May 21 – June 20) *****

August threw you through a loop, so slow down with a bowl of soup. If not soup try an embroidery hoop. This month take time to recoup and regroup before you rejoin the troop. Lucky Number - 1


Cancer (June 21 – July 21) ****

If you're not the one tying the knot, you'll get your shot. It's not about what you forgot, or that you cannot: if you plot you'll get your pick of the lot. This month treat yourself a lot, a day on a yacht, a better golf shot, or maybe something new that's polka-dot. Lucky Number - 3


Leo (July 22 – Aug 22) ****

The full moon gives what you lack, and puts your finances back on track. Your relationships remain intact, after you repair a crack that put them out of whack. This month you'll get the knack with a better plan of attack. Lucky Number - 12


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22) *****

Awake and partake in the merriment where you shake. Remake anything that needs a retake to not be a mistake. This month have a juicy steak with your birthday cake. Lucky Number - 13


Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22) ****

Instead of business going downhill, think outside of the ville, as big as capitol hill to pay the bill. When you've had your fill, reach for something distilled. This month if you have the will and the skill, you will have plenty of time for thrill. Lucky Number - Two Dollar Bill


Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) *****

Embrace the season galore, and pull the decor out of the drawer. Rid yourself of everything you abhor, and replace it with things you adore. This month ingore next door to score what you quest for. Lucky Number - 25


Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) *****

When things collide, you help to guide things back in stride. The upside is you won't end up fried and be able to provide. This month is all about pride in where you abide. Lucky Number - 1


Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20) ****

Use your brain to refrain involvement in your co-workers insane campaign. You'll come out unslain and reign again.This month ascertain what would make you domain more humane. Lucky Number - 100


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Volume 2, Issue 7, Posted 4:21 PM, 09.16.2011

Letter to the Editor: Volunteers needed to increase literacy!

Sept. 8 is International Literacy Day, created 45 years ago by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to celebrate literacy and remind the international community of the obstacles that still remain to global literacy.

On this day, internationally, some 796 million adults lack minimum literacy skills (one in six); 67.4 million children are out-of-school and many more attend irregularly or drop out. Literacy skills affect everything from parent-child interaction, to health, to financial independence, to employment opportunities and quality of life in our communities.


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Volume 2, Issue 7, Posted 11:34 AM, 09.15.2011

July Observations

Five candidates crowd Euclid mayoral contest.

Jack Johnson, Bill Cervenik’s former finance director is the latest to challenge the two-term mayor, including former councilwoman and retired health center administrator Charlene Mancuso and lesser known residents Chris Litwinowicz and Terance McClerkin.


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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 7:08 PM, 07.09.2011

Euclid’s future is “Blowing In The Wind”

During a visit to Germany in 2003, I saw wind turbines that dotted the countryside in multiple areas. Most of these turbines were on shore. I thought that this was an interesting concept.

These turbines were not in a huge wind farm on hilltops, like the ones I had seen in San Luis Obispo, Calif. in 1985. If anyone wants to see the wind farm in San Luis Obispo, without visiting California, they can see them in the movie “Rain Man.” Either in the movie or live, that wind farm is a spectacular sight.

After I returned from that visit to Germany, I started thinking and talking about placing a few turbines in the Euclid area. Just about everyone I talked to thought I was crazy. Many Euclid residents just might remember me discussing them at city council meetings during the public comments. 



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Volume 2, Issue 5, Posted 7:08 PM, 07.09.2011

Please do not wish me “Happy” Memorial Day

Last year just before Memorial Day, I posted a FaceBook response to people saying “Happy Memorial Day.” News anchors and many FaceBook members were wishing others “Happy Memorial Day.” I decided to comment that I felt this was an inappropriate greeting. 

In my humble opinion, there is nothing “happy” about Memorial Day or any other memorial service or funeral. Sure, people attend cook outs and sales at stores and car dealerships. This is how for years people have celebrated the day as the unofficial start of summer. Many who are lucky enough to have jobs are “happy” to have another three-day weekend. Maybe this is acceptable to them.

What I feel we should be doing on this weekend is what is implied in the name, and that is memorializing those men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. Maybe I am a strange person; but I have never been to a happy funeral or memorial service.



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Volume 2, Issue 4, Posted 3:47 PM, 06.02.2011

Insights on insurance

You don’t have to live near water to become a flood victim. In fact, everyone lives in a flood zone. It’s just a matter of how likely it is that a flood will hit your home. And unfortunately, floods are the most common natural disaster. Heavy snow fall, heavy rainstorms, and the aftermath that follows causes flooding. Record precipitation and massive snowfall this winter in most parts of the United States has already led to spring flooding in many areas. The national news has recently featured several stories of unsuspecting property owners who suffered damages as a result of quick snow melt, rising waters and flooding.

We should note the difference between a flood and water backup. Flooding is surface water, which would include overflow of a body of water. Water backup refers to water which backs up through sewers or drains from outside the dwelling’s plumbing system. This also includes a failed sump pump. Generally, you can add an endorsement to your home insurance policy that will protect you against financial loss due to water backup. Read your policy carefully as there are many variables and conditions surrounding these endorsements. Water can also enter your home from below the surface of the ground via seepage or leakage through a foundation. No insurance will cover this type of damage.

Remember, your homeowners insurance will not cover you for flood damage, either to your home or to your personal belongings. Only Federal flood insurance reimburses you for flood damage to your property. With one annual premium, you can protect your most important investment – your home. Call your insurance agent or company today and ask about the National Flood Insurance Program.

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Volume 2, Issue 3, Posted 4:57 PM, 05.04.2011

May Horoscopes

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) *****

Put a log on the fire & a lager in your tummy. Relax while you can, because after the 17th it’ll be all business, and you better be ready to impress. This Month: don’t linger with your lager.

Lucky Number: 1.6


Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) *****

You were hoping this would say something cheerful, so… something cheerful. Get your creative juices flowing with a big pot of spaghetti. This Month: It’s still too cold for swimming pools, so put your floaties away.

Lucky Number: Eleventeen


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19) *****

Life is like Peanut Butter, it’s just not the same without chocolate, but there’s still a million things you could do with it. Luck is on your side. This Month: You’re thinking about Reese’s cups aren’t you…

Lucky Number: 2 (Reese’s cups in a package)


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) *****

New Moon. New Birthday. New Plans. New shoes for those new plans, and new socks for those new shoes. You’re worth it. This Month: Don’t regret any of those accessories that go with the aforementioned shoes, just buy them.

Lucky Number: 7 ½ - 8 ½


Gemini (May 21 – June 20) *****

The Sun isn’t just a ball of gas in the sky, it’s everything. It’s your mood, your happiness, your energy. This Month; Forget about Twilight and get out.

Lucky Number: SBF 35


Cancer (June 21 – July 22) *****

If you’re still not on the cover of Sports Illustrated, consider taking up golf, it doesn’t look too hard. Love, or something like it, is on its way, and it’s not Italian. This Month: Climb the ladder at work, just don’t look down.

Lucky Number: 62


Leo (July 23 – Aug 22) *****

There’s no Leo in Team, work together to get ahead at work. Rethink romantic decisions or else. This Month: your Checkbook will thank you for avoiding your family.

Lucky Number: 0


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22) *****

Your meticulous planning pays off by months end. Embrace Really Purple Socks. This Month: If you can’t decide what to do, go to the Beachland, everyday, even Brunch on Saturdays & Sundays, and did you know they have a new iPhone app.

Lucky Number: Blue


Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22) *****

Technology will help you succeed in business, if you avoid angry birds. Get UnBirthday presents for your loved ones. This Month: If you can't be the Emperor, try to be the Mayor.

Lucky Number: Par 3


Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) *****

Mercury and Venus are opposite your sun, and will make you extremely photogenic. Spend your extra time in the garden surrounded with greenery. This Month: the best kind of drama is on tivo.

Lucky Number: 7


Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) *

Spring makes you want to have all your meetings outside, so schedule them that way, unless you have allergies, then come prepared. Romance requires surprises. This Month:  Think Madonna & Express Yourself

Lucky Number: 5 Bazillion


Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 18) *****

Let daffodils guide you to the enjoyment of Frisbee golf. Colorful plaid is your friend, and so is anything pastel, especially mint green. This Month: You’re daring enough to wear mint green, you just don’t know it yet.

Lucky Number: 39.95


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Volume 2, Issue 3, Posted 3:44 PM, 05.04.2011

Paris Barnett of Euclid is commended as the RTA operator of month in December

On December 8, 2010, Paratransit driver Paris Barnett, 34 of Euclid, faced an unusual situation.  He was scheduled to pick up Ms. Sweeny, a diabetic passenger, at East 116th Street to take her to a church dinner; however, on the ride there, she began to feel lightheaded and eventually became weak. 

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Volume 2, Issue 2, Posted 7:25 PM, 04.13.2011

Power In Numbers

I am a lifelong resident of the city of Euclid. In my decades here, I have, like many of you, watched the city go from an idyllic inner-ring suburb to a community searching for its soul. Mayors and council members have come and gone, but the slide has proceeded nearly unabated. Yes, there are things to celebrate such as the renovation of downtown Euclid and other beautification projects. However, residents are still fleeing to the east for an assortment of reasons, not the least of which is hope for a better tomorrow. Well, not all of us want to abandon our hometown, or the community we’ve joined in order to move up in life. That is why I am putting ink on the sheets; I want to be a part of the solution and I want you to join me.

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Volume 1, Issue 8, Posted 3:24 PM, 11.28.2010