Deer Nuisance
Here is my story for The Euclid Observer but I know it won't be published.
I wonder how many of my fellow residents are fed up with the deer encroaching in postage-stamp yards, eating up plants/grass and blocking streets sometimes eight at a time. I have had nothing but problems in my small yard. I recently dug up already-gnawed tulips that were given to us by my father-in-law before 1987 when he died. They were kept in his memory but I haven't seen a bloom for years. I have logged the deer appearances since Nov. and here are the results: at least 33 sightings in my yard, the neighbors' yards and a few on the streets varying from one to eight deer at a time. I have had 5 or 6 ten feet or less from my back porch; have had a buck chase another deer in my yard twice; have had the buck and 3 deer sleeping overnight in my back yard. These are just the times I have seen them; I'm certain they are here more often. There has been one safety Council meeting and one is planned for the future. I have reported many incidences to the Mayor and Council. I am sure there are people in the city and on Council who love God's creatures. If they have experienced what I have plus being concerned for my safety working in my yard, they might feel otherwise. The deer are around night and day; this is getting way too dangerous. Last Spring, there were four fawns in my yard; one got stuck in the neighbor's broken fence and there will be more born this year increasing the population. These deer need culled or entirely removed from the city.
Publisher's Note: Our rules for printing a story are as follows:
We will print your story if it is factual, not slanderous, and not obscene.
Jean Brehm