Pasta Dinner
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine will hold a Pasta Dinner on Thursday, September 17th from 4:30pm - 6:45pm.
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine will hold a Pasta Dinner on Thursday, September 17th from 4:30pm - 6:45pm.
If you have driven down Lakeshore Blvd. on Sunday mornings this summer, you might have caught a glimpse of church members in the parking lot or heard a few songs being sung. Eastshore United Methodist Church has been hosting members of the community and parishioners in a Drive-In Service each Sunday at 10:30 am. Guests are asked to stay in their vehicle and wear a mask. There is limited socially distanced seating outside for guests who come by bus or on foot. Services will continue to be in the parking lot for the month of September. All are welcome and the church will begin each Sunday at 10:30 am. East Shore United Methodist Church plans to return to traditional indoor services, that will be socially distanced, and masks will be required on Sunday, October 4th, 2020.
Starting Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 10:30 am East Shore United Methodist Church will be starting a Parking Lot worship service. Parishioners and worshippers from the same household must remain in the car. Face mask must be on when the car window is open or down. Chairs will be provided for the walkers but safe social distancing will be observed. Kindly contact the office number at 216-261-1688 for the up to date details. See you then! Be safe and be encouraged in Christ!
TO GOD BE THE GLORY: PRAY! There is a living GOD. We are awesomely made, with a great immune system.
DID YOU EVER WONDER ... WHY THOUSANDS OF PILGRIMS come yearly to our “Lady of Lourdes Shrine” here in Euclid? WHAT’s its special allure? WHY and WHO reclassified it as a “National” shrine when it started as a “Local” shrine? WHY is it in Euclid? Why on that particular hillside? In other words… WHAT IS THE BACKSTORY behind our “Lourdes Shrine”? And, IS THE LEGEND TRUE? Was it built there to preserve a spot where the Virgin Mary appeared to the owner of that hillside property 150 years ago?
The Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity have announced their Pasta Dinner fundraiser dates.
Attend a free community talk and learn about the Shroud of Turin: Where Faith and Science Meet. Local expert David Onysko will prsent contemporary reflections on this ancient mystery. You'll learn the historical, medical and biblical background of the Shroud. Mr. Onysko will discuss scientific evidence and its correlation with the scriptural account of Jesus' suffering and death. The talk will be held on Sunday, March 29th at 1:00 PM at Mount St. Joseph Rehab Center, 21800 Chardon Road in Euclid. To rsvp, please call 216-531-7426. Light refreshments will be provided.
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid will be offering their annual fish dinners during lent.
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine will begin their Novena at 7pm with the rosary followed by Mass Feb. 3-11th. Confession will be available on designated evenings before the rosary.
The Church of the Epiphany on Lakeshore Blvd in Euclid doesn't just tell the Christmas story - it lives it!
East Shore United Methodist Church invites you to a Christmas Eve/ Candlelight Service on
Imani United Church
Our Lady of Lourdes National Shrine at 21281 Chardon Road, Euclid, Ohio 44117 continues with its shrine season. The weekend mass on Sunday at 9:30am is held outside during its shrine season which runs from May through October. Other weekends masses are held in the chapel on Saturday and Sunday at 8am.
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine is owned and operated by the Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity. The Shrine is now open for their warm-weather hours.
East Shore United Methodist Church is offering her Annual Vacation Bible School.
Bible Baptist Temple is an Independent, Fundamental, KJV Bible believing, church which is celebrating its' 40th year Anniversary on May 5, 2019. Bible Baptist Temple was founded on the first Sunday in May 1979 by Pastor Andrew J. Rusnacko, who still leads the church today. The first seven years it had Sunday services at the Noble School on Babbitt Road, then moved into its present location, 1565 Chardon Road. Next year will be the 200th year anniversary of this oldest church site in Euclid. The cornerstone is still located at our church today.
Discovering WHO you are is a life long journey. Each and every moment you can become aware of your emotions, thoughts and actions to face the real you. Coming face to face with your reality can be a scary thing if you are not living in a sense of peace and harmony from within. Are you carrying resentments that display themselves as anger? Has loneliness invaded your plans to enjoy the precious moments in life in new ways versus old destructive habits? Spring is right around the corner with its wonderful energy of new beginnings. Making constructive use of this cycle of life is to live in a metaphysical (energy beyond the physical) universe. Awaken the life force within you to effect positive changes to fully express the radiant person you were created to be. SMILE from within as you embrace all that you are. Unite mind, body and spirit to the life plan your soul is desiring . Experience joy and prosperity in all aspects of life. Learn new avenues to this Self awareness. In the ancient esoteric sciences of astrology and numerology, much can be understood of your soul plan and human experiences that influence your course of thought and action. Join us at the Rishis Institute of Metaphysics to learn about the Path of Light studies. Embrace positive actions to eliminate negative reactions to life situations. Be the person you were meant to be. Enjoy the journey with new beginnings. Call 216 486 7240 for the Spring schedule or email
Deep in the dark arid jungle mountains of the world’s first black republic, there beats a distant drum. Pulsating low frequency rhythms known as Petwo, Ibo, and Kongo, complimenting murmurs that heighten into shrieks and shrills of song, and swirling plumes of dust underfoot in near bare-body dance.
Euclid’s St. John of the Cross Catholic Parish enters 2019 under the leadership of a new pastor and with a full calendar of activities planned to commemorate its first decade together as a parish.
Today bring to Me the souls of those who separated themselves from the Church
Bethlehem Community Church (LCMS)
24490 Euclid Avenue Euclid OH 44117
Joyfully Celebrating and Passionately Sharing Life in Jesus Christ
The doors of our member churches have been opened to all and these significant events have taken place this fall.
The annual “Faith in the City” Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service is being celebrated on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. Ss. Robert & William Parish will be hosting the event at 367 East 260th Street, Euclid.
BLUE SKIES AHEAD is a human desire around the world. The essence of this desire for blue skies is a gentle, sunny day, every day. Can natural occurrences become symbols or clues to our human nature? I believe so. Certainly some clouds, white and fluffy are a delight, even joyfully viewed. Dark clouds remind us of the polarity in life, the balance. Stormy weather, thunder and lightening can signify our not so pleasant thoughts and actions. If we are watchful, mindful, a rainbow appears and we again remember the ancient scripture promise of heaven on earth. As humans, we need to stay awake to the knowingness of beneath and through everything visible there is an invisible power of the "I AM" , the Divine Spirit within all creation. We are a vital part of this universal energy. Think and act blue skies ahead and trust in this beautiful plan for all. Enjoy other wisdom teachings at the Rishis Institite of Metaphysics, 21933 Euclid Ave. 44117. Call 216 486 7240
Sims Park Summer Concert Series Prasie and Worship!
East Shore United Methodist Church presents...
Do you believe in miracles? Many people have experienced amazing events in their lives and yet hesitate to call it a miracle. Why is that? And, why at certain times do wonderous things happen? Many would say it is God`s gift while others would attribute their miracle, an unexplainable event, as just being lucky. Awakening to the universal laws, the spiritual dynamics of cause and effect can help clarify the greatness of the gift. For it is a gift received for goodness that is sent forward. Let me offer an example. In the movie "Pay it Forward", we are introduced to the circular flow of those we know or don't know personally. When you extend a kindness, kindness is returned to you. A simple smile is often returned with a smile. Just that simple. Maybe? When there is a sense of joy in our hearts there is a natural desire to share it. So we smile. We are designed that way. Our Creator was so wise to show us how to receive internal and external, spiritual and material gifts. Awaken to the miracles that happen every day and more will come when you acknowledge them and are thankfull for the gift. Learn more metaphysical insights, seen and unseen, through classes held at the Rishis Institute of Metaphysics, 21933 Euclid Ave. 216 486 7240.
I have always enjoyed the writings of Kahlil Gibran and I am especially fond of The Prophet. On the topic of religion, he writes, “. . .Is not religion all deeds and all reflection? Who can separate his faith from his actions, or his belief from his occupations? Who can spread his hours before him, saying, "This for God and this for myself; This for my soul, and this other for my body?”
Whether you’re just beginning to consider your faith journey or you’ve been a Christian all your life, find out if the Catholic Church is where your belong. RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is our process for exploring the Catholic faith, growing your relationship with Christ and for many, entering the Church. Get started now, call:
Rev. Joseph J. Fortuna S.T.D., Pastor
Our Lady of the Lake Parish
19951 Lakeshore Blvd.
Euclid, OH 44119
Phone: 116.486.0850 ext. 24 Fax: 216.486.0851
“Tell Ft. Joe that Vince from the barbershop sent you.”
On Thursday, May 3, 2018 at Noon, women of all faiths will join the ‘I’m With Him’ movement for the National Day of Prayer Service at Euclid City Hall.
Be transformed by the beauty of your mind! This guidance is found among pages of many wisdom books. Is this concept challenging to believe? Have you attempted to look closely at your thoughts to acknowledge where your focus is? Are your thoughts positive or negative? Are you engaged in sharing the beauty, joy, kindness and compassion towards yourself and others through your thoughts and actions? Or do you harbor resentments and hold grudges by recycling old emotional injuries. The choice is yours each and every moment of the day. Forgive yourself and others for error thinking. Release the past and live in the present moment for it is perfect through Divine Mind, the power and presence of the creative life force of Spirit. A Spirit that creates through unconditional love. Be that presence here on Earth and BE TRANSFORMED. The Rishis Institute of Metaphysics holds weekly classes to support the journey into Knowing Thyself, as self mastery is the highest goal of humanity. Call 216 486 7240 to receive more information or check our website
On Saturday, April 14, 2018, approximately 300 guests will gather to celebrate unity and diversity within the SRW School and Parish Communities. As a body which advocates peace, the evening will have a ‘Peace’ theme with decorations which reflect harmony and students wearing tie-dyed apparel.
In this winter season have you had moments of reflection that are illuminating to the heart and mind? A question such as "how has my life become so complicated and difficult to manage?" may have popped up once or twice during a cold and snowy day. Having the tools to digest the events, or life choices that led you to your current experiences becomes so helpful to discovering what if anything needs to change if you are feeling out of balance.. Author and teacher Don Freeman, a recent speaker at the Rishis Institute of Metaphysics, calls upon us to liberate ourselves from egoism, materialism and hedonism. Living free from the attachments to each of these subtle but powerful influences can save us not only money, but time and energy available for positive and healthy choices that give lasting joy. Be open to examine where you are mis-spending soul energy that keeps your spirit depleted and less than whole. It is up to you to be empowered to change your life. Join us at this school of Metaphysics to learn universal laws of harmony and balance. You will be glad you made the call...perhaps in response to some inner urging that has long been ignored. Call 216 786 7240 to start on your higher path to wholeness.
For the third year in a row, the Church of the Epiphany offers an invitation into Holy Week and the final journey of Jesus to the Cross through song and meditation.
Saint John of the Cross Parish in Euclid continues the Lenten “Journey of the Heart,” with these upcoming events in March in anticipation for Easter Sunday on April 1:
St. John of the Cross Parish in Euclid invites you to share your 2018 Lenten journey with us. Lent begins on February 14 – Valentine’s Day – so, we’ve chosen the theme, “A Journey of the Heart.” How will you live Lent? Experience the fullness of your Lenten journey with us!
Do have a desire to take a walk in the woods but it's just to cold outside? Why not take that journey through the recesses of your mind. We can create whatever we choose to create through mental visualizations. Yes its possible. If you would love a springtime walk in the woods, then imagine it. Quiet your thoughts, breathe and focus on a particular path you have enjoyed before, complete with trees, flowers, birds, river streams and gentle sunshine filtering through tree branches. Feel the warmth. Perhaps woodland creatures join you. Many times gentle deer are seen if you look closely enough. Creative visualization works best when you have a passionate desire or need to be fulfilled. Visualize in color...its fun to do. You are the artist of your mental pallet and the LOVE that you express comes back to you through universal laws of cause and effect. Join us at the Rishis Institute of Metaphysics for greater awareness of who you are. Call 216 486 7240 or visit at 21933 Euclid Avenue.
Ss. Robert & William Catholic Parish: Annual Fish Fry will be held Fridays during Lent (February 16, 23*March 2, 9, 16, 23) in the School’s Upper Hall starting at 4:45 pm and serving until 6:45 pm. Dine-In or Carry-Out.
Orphan Annie believed that the sun would come out tomorrow...she had strong faith in that belief. In all of todays personal challenges, is your faith strong enough in the midst of negative emotions, to climb above these earthly energies and BELIEVE brighter days are ahead. It can be done in the quieting of your mind and through the letting go of past moments and embracing the present moment which is perfectly designed for creative thought and manifestation. Whatever you need to see or know to face or surmount, the way is shown to you. BELIEVE and you will be shown the way. The Light will dawn through the reservoir of faith within you. Three gentle breaths opens the heart and mind to infinite wisdom and peace. Through this silence and deeper union with the power and presence of God, all things are possible. May this new year be a joyous reunion with mind, body and spirit in harmony for your highest and best good. Join us at the Rishis Institute of Metaphysics for new classes in higher living. Call 216 486 7240. Blessings to all.