Euclid Prosecutor Responds

The case at issue in this article was thoroughly investigated by the City of Euclid Detective Bureau. After reviewing the evidence, and taking all pertinent factors into consideration, Mr. Schlick was charged under Ohio Revised Code section 959.131(B), which specifically addresses killing a companion animal. In order to maintain the integrity of the prosecution of this matter, the City will not discuss the underlying facts of this case while it is still pending in the Euclid Municipal Court.


959.131 Prohibitions concerning companion animals.

B) No person shall knowingly torture, torment, needlessly mutilate or maim, cruelly beat, poison, needlessly kill, or commit an act of cruelty against a companion animal.

959.99 Violation; penalties.

(1) Whoever violates division (B) of section 959.131 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree on a first offense and a felony of the fifth degree on each subsequent offense.

Misdemeanor Level

Jail Time

Maximum Fine

M1 (First Degree)

Up to 180 Days



Up to 90 days



Up to 60 days



Up to 30 days


MM (Minor Misdemeanor)



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Volume 10, Issue 7, Posted 12:30 PM, 07.07.2019