Are You a Nocturnal Potato?

 Question: Are YOU a “nocturnal potato”? Aka a “Night Owl” ? . I come from a long line of “night owls“  Of course!  There is no question - I am a night owl or “nocturnal potato!”  

Early birds  find It unBELIEVABLE (ha ha) that we would eat a delicious filling snack at 1 am! Actually I generally go to BED  At LEAST a couple hours Later! If this SHOCKS YOU , are obviously one of those organized self disciplined early birds . We night owls are a totally different breed! Ha ha. But we are wonderful creative  (humble ?) people!
Ps I mimic 2 other family night owls- my DAD & twin sister. Hopeless helpless night owls . All 3
Of us. It’s all in Our genes..,in Our circadian rhythms. Maybe you KNOW at least one other night owl ??!  ????!I

. We night owls are a totally different breed! Ha ha. But we are wonderfully creative  & sometimes Even  humble ?)
Ps I mimic 2 other family night owls- my DAD & twin sister. Hopeless helpless night owls. All 3
Of us. It’s all in Our genes..,in Our circadian rhythms. Maybe you KNOW at least one other night owl??!  ????!

Now if you are an early bird , you know it! Early to bed, early to rise. Night owls are unintentionally  famous for  marrying  early birds. It was true in  my case.

Hubby would quiz me as he was heading off to bed “ Aren’t you ready for bed YET?” “No, not the least bit tired.”  I would  quip. “You go ahead!”

In the morning , hubby , typical of many early birds  I  suspect , he would be up at the crack of dawn, relaxing, enjoying the peace & quiet, reading the newspaper , and just taking his time, long before he had to leave for work. I, on the other hand , would be forced to get up , under the direction of that annoying noisy alarm- still tired , with just enough time to get ready to make it To work - hopefully in just the nick of time.

So ask yourself “ Am I a nocturnal potato or early bird potato? “

 If youre inclined to quiz others -asking them their  bird status, I am guessing you will find many others in the same  flock as you are. 

Loving Blessings in Jesus, my LORD and Savior  since 1981

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Volume 11, Issue 8, Posted 6:26 PM, 08.10.2020