City of Euclid Shade Tree - Commission News for 2020
The Current Chair of the Shade Tree Commission Brenda Hall will be stepping down as Chair Person this year. But she will still be an active member on the Shade Tree Commission. It is with great appreciation that everyone associated with the Shade Tree Commission gives a warm ”thank you” to Brenda Hall for her service. Brenda has brought the Commission many of her unique skills, one being public relations work, and her passion to make Euclid a great place to live and garden. She has made the Euclid Pond and Garden Tour one of the best in Northeastern Ohio. Vice Chair Greg Lawrence will be taking her place. Greg is a long time resident and supporter of the growth in Euclid. Brenda has said she has left her position in good hands.
We are all looking forward to a great year! Anyone interested in the Commission and the work we are doing, please contact Linda Beck at
Dates to remember in 2020:
Arbor Day Celebration - April 24, 2020 (last Friday in April).
Euclid Pond & Garden Tour - Saturday July 18 & Sunday July 19, 2020
Written by:
Anita Rajic, Vice President
Euclid Shade Tree Commission
Anita Rajic
Shade Tree Commissioner