Streamside Tree Planting at Community Christian Church in Euclid
The Euclid Creek Tree Planting at Community Christian Church project enhanced 155 lineal feet of forested riparian buffer along Euclid Creek, and an additional 261 lineal feet of turf grass with 80 native trees and shrubs on October 13, 2018. Trees and shrubs were planted on a cold rainy morning by 22 Friends of Euclid Creek and Community Christian Church volunteers. The conditions were less than ideal for humans, but perfect for the trees and shrubs to get in the ground. Thanks to all our tree stewards, church members, Friends of Euclid Creek members, and family and friends who chose to come out on a cold, rainy, muddy day, and get the job done. Thank you to Madelon Watts for bringing the much needed donuts and coffee. Thank you to the City of Euclid for providing mulch! Thanks to Dominion and Western Reserve Land Conservancy for providing the funding!
Expanding the riparian buffer along Euclid Creek will help reduce erosion along the Main Branch and resulting sedimentation as this section of Euclid Creek has steep streambanks. The site is adjacent to a heavily used road by automobiles and pedestrians, so educational signage will be placed spring of 2019 by the sidewalk and by the parking lot to educate the public and members of the church congregation about the project. As part of the project, two educational presentations were given to church members at their annual bazaar and picnic about the project and the benefits of trees and shrubs. In spring of 2019 a presentation will be given to church members about the watering equipment purchased and how often to water.
Plant species for the site were chosen based on their soil moisture preference and height restrictions due to utility lines on the property. Species used included: Allegheny serviceberry, American Hornbeam, American sycamore, Buttonbush, Pawpaw, Silky dogwood, Swamp rose, Winterberry, and Witch hazel. 15 yards of mulch was donated by the city and was spread around each of the trees and shrubs. Our watershed program manager got out and added cages and deer netting to protect the trees and shrubs from the deer November 2nd and 4th.
Partners on the project were the Community Christian Church, Friends of Euclid Creek (FOEC), Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District (Cuyahoga SWCD) and the City of Euclid, a member of the Euclid Creek Watershed Council.
Elizabeth Hiser
Euclid Creek Watershed Program Manager working out of Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District office.