County Land Bank rolls into Euclid: Demolition and Rehab programs now underway

The demolition of a Drakefield Avenue home was the first under a program with the County Landbank.

On recent morning in Euclid, the sound of a large excavator rolling off its trailer filled the otherwise quiet street of Drakefield Avenue. The 24-ton machine pulled in front of a dilapidated house that had been left uninhabitable by a severe fire. In a matter of hours, the building was reduced to a pile of rubble.  

The demolition on Drakefield is the first under a partnership between the City and the Cuyahoga County Land Bank aimed at clearing blighted homes from Euclid neighborhoods. The effort is made possible through a $200,000 grant awarded in 2012 by then County Prosecutor Bill Mason and the County Land Bank for the demolition of residential properties.  

Under an agreement with the Land Bank, the City is responsible for identifying severely dilapidated houses and notifying the owner(s) of the code violations. If no action is taken, the property is referred to the Land Bank for demolition.  Seventeen more houses are currently slated for demolition under this program.

Most of the vacant lots left behind from demolitions will eventually be transferred into the City of Euclid’s landbank where they are offered for development or to neighboring homeowners for yard expansion. For a list of available properties and program details, please contact the City of Euclid Department of Planning and Development at (216) 289-8180.

Demolition isn’t the only way the County Land Bank is helping to improve Euclid neighborhoods. Earlier this year, the Land Bank introduced an innovative pilot program available only in the City of Euclid called the Owner Occupant Advantage Plus Program. 

The Advantage Plus Program is designed to return vacant properties to productive use and bring additional resources to improve housing in Euclid. Under the program, a homebuyer can purchase a high-quality and affordable house from the Land Bank if they commit to renovating and living in the home. Qualified buyers can also receive up $10,000 in loan funds to renovate the property. To support the program, the City of Euclid will waive all permit and inspection fees for program participants. 

More information on the Advantage Plus program is available at or by calling (216) 698-8853.

Jonathan Holody is the Director of Planning and Development, City of Euclid (216) 289-8154.

Jonathan Holody

Jonathan Holody, Director of Planning and Development, City of Euclid (216) 289-8154 

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Volume 4, Issue 7, Posted 2:39 PM, 08.09.2013