A message from Mayor Bill Cervenik

Dear Friends,

I think it is finally safe to say that the winter weather is behind us and we can now look forward to a beautiful spring and summer. Warmer weather also is a time for many to begin home repairs and renovations. EDCOR (Euclid Development Corporation) has made over 1500 low interest loans to homeowners in the City of Euclid. This Program provides a 3% low interest home improvement loan to income-eligible residents. EDCOR also offers a down-payment assistance program for income eligible first-time home buyers. For more information, contact the EDCOR office at 216 289-4625

As residents clean up and beautify their yards after the long winter, Euclid’s Streets and Parks departments will also be doing the same. The city provides an opportunity for businesses, schools, churches, civic groups, and families to clean up and maintain a particular area within the City through the Adopt-A-Spot program. After beautifying the adopted spot, the group makes a minimal commitment of periodically picking-up litter, pulling weeds, and basic maintenance of the spot.  The adoption is recognized on a sign posted close to your spot. Adopt-A-Spot offers a means for you to make Euclid a better place to live and play. For more information about Adopt-A-Spot please call my office at 216-289-2751.

Thank you for making Euclid a great place to live and work.

Happy Spring!

Mayor Bill Cervenik

Mayor Bill Cervenik

Bill Cervenik is the mayor of the City of Euclid.

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Volume 4, Issue 3, Posted 1:41 PM, 04.19.2013