Euclid's shoreline to change with lakefront development

East of Sims Park-notice the tree close to falling over from erosion

Recently, Councilman Daryl Langman and long time city activist Jerry Corbran wrote articles for The Euclid Observer detailing the new plans for the lakefront development and the Marina Project.  And more recently, the News-Herald published a story about the storefront renovation at the Lakeshore Plaza (Marc's) at the eastern edge of the downtown area, which also alluded to the lakefront development project and its importance to Euclid. This project has been at the forefront of Euclid politics discussions for over a decade and finally the city seems to be moving forward on the project rather than just talking about the project.

While it is nice to see the plans and drawings, it is also important to see what the shoreline east of Sims Park currently looks like, and then get an idea of what it could look like once the city decides to 'throw a little dirt' and get the project started.

Euclid's current shoreline east of Sims Park does not provide much walking space and the bluffs are slowly eroding away. Storms with waves of any size are surely crashing up along the base of the bluffs as well. Continued erosion does not make for an easy walk along the beach, storms or no storms. And that is why this area of the shoreline must change: to allow for the boardwalk that will allow residents to enjoy a leisurely stroll or for a nice walk along the sand itself. How this area from Sims Park to the east where the marina would be located could be visualized just by taking a look at the current beachfront area of Sims Park, where grading of the bluffs and installation of the barrier islands have changed this part of the shoreline immeasurably from its previous condition. It is this kind of change which will highlight access to the lakefront and the city's greatest natural resource - Lake Erie.

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Volume 1, Issue 6, Posted 7:25 AM, 09.17.2010