At this time when we remember, and even revel in, the freedoms we have as women (including the right to vote) let us remember the price many women before us paid as they sacrificed and worked to see this day finally come true! And as we celebrate, let us not forget the women we interact who are pained with the loss of a child due to death, a court order, or a miscarriage....Those who are barren and desire to have a child....Those who are dealing with the loss of a marriage, a home, a business, a dream, or even, the desire to live.
As we console others, let us look to Jesus to fortify us. He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 Holy Bible NIV.)
This great Advocate, Champion and Liberator of women, Jesus, lived some 2,000 years ago. He deterred the stoning of a woman to death who was caught in the act of adultery and whose accusers were guilty of the same. He spoke to a woman whose ethnicity and lifestyle were regarded with contempt. This was considered taboo, yet, he took the time to speak to and listen to her. He rebuked a woman for being too busy to spend time sitting and listening to him as he taught his 12 disciples, and he used another woman that was sitting with his disciples as an example for her to follow. Before his death he instructed one of his disciples to care for his mother. Then He hung his head and died for us.
You are of more worth than you can even begin to fathom; so is every woman you interact with, whether here or on the other side of the globe. Value her and value you. Remind yourself daily that Jesus Christ, the greatest Advocate, Champion, and Liberator of women loves you so much that he willingly died for you! Women! Celebrate and revel in that too!

Lillian J. Anderson

Reader, writer, wife, mother of three daughters

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Volume 11, Issue 3, Posted 5:25 PM, 03.09.2020