Give Box Now Open on E. 222nd Street

Neighbors help neighbors by stocking the Give Box on E. 222nd Street with non-perishable food, toiletries, and messages of positivity.

A “Give Box” was installed on July 1 at 885 E. 222nd Street (in front of PetFix Northeast Ohio). Give Box-Cleveland is an offshoot of the Little Free Pantry program. Give Box-Cleveland brings this concept to local neighborhoods, activating community engagement to fill an immediate need and increase charity and neighborliness. This is an “always open,” weatherproof wood box that sits on a post filled with free food and toiletries. “Take what you need and give what you can” is the motto.

The Greater Cleveland Food Bank reports that one in six people in Northeast Ohio does not know where their next meal comes from. Many families in our neighborhoods struggle with providing basics like diapers and formula. The great diversity of our communities, however, means that a block or so away, people are working living-wage jobs and can afford to buy an extra pair of socks, canned food item or box of pasta knowing it will be put to good, anonymous use by a neighbor in need.

This project is about the power of collaboration. The boxes are designed, built and installed under the leadership and architectural guidance of Give Box-Cleveland founder, Allison Lukacsy-Love and with the newfound carpentry skills from youth employees through “Kids of the 216,” a local non-profit for at-risk high school students. “The artwork for the Give Box on E. 222nd Street was inspired by PetFix’s mission to serve low-income families who need assistance in caring for their cats and dogs”, said Lukacsy-Love.

Want to get involved? Donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries can be placed directly into the Give Box-Cleveland by members of the community at any time.

Christie Lucco

I am the executive director of PetFix Northeast Ohio, a non-profit organization in Euclid that provides high quality, affordable, spay and neuter surgeries to end pet homelessness and the need for unnecessary euthanasia.

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Volume 10, Issue 8, Posted 8:51 AM, 07.30.2019