Viking Views

The Viking Village has been a healthy frenzy of activity over the past few months and we greeted the new year with a spirit of optimism and excitement. Several events brought to mind the important place our school has in the community we serve, while also reminding us of the honor and responsibility we have to preserve the legacy and tradition we represent.

The loss of Viking legend Bill Gutbrod this past November was certainly such an occasion.
The example of sportsmanship and perseverance he set remains a powerful force even now, and our basketball and football players paid tribute to him in a touching display of reverence as they saluted the funeral procession when it wound its way past the school’s front entrance.

The new Viking Color Guard stood at the entrance, flanked by players who silently acknowledged Coach Gutbrod’s place in our school’s history.

The Viking Color Guard – freshmen Liam Staunton, Jacob Stauffer and Jayson Johnson – also added a special dimension to two recent assemblies. The group, under the direction of moderator Mr. Gary Minadeo, posted the colors for the visit of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and the investiture of Tim McCormack ’62 as judge in the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals.

In a wide-ranging exchange with students, the mayor spoke of his personal background, the motivating factors that led him to pursue a life of public service, and his philosophy of leadership. Through it all, the mayor stressed the vital importance of education.

That theme was underlined when Tim McCormack addressed our students at his investiture on December 17. He spoke against the impressive backdrop of some dozen judges, all in their black robes, who came to celebrate the occasion. McCormack was sworn in by Ohio Supreme Court Justice Terrence O’Donnell.

In his remarks to our students, McCormack called VASJ one of the most important schools in the country, emphasizing our cultural diversity and record of achievement.

Needless to say, we fully agree. Visitors to our school consistently remark that it “feels like family” here. We know the reason why. It feels like family because it is family.

Richard Osborne is the president at Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School.

Richard Osborne

Richard Osborne, President at Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School

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Volume 4, Issue 1, Posted 11:03 AM, 02.20.2013