Ss. Robert and William Catholic School STEM Education, Science and Engineering Fair

SS. Robert and William Catholic School in Euclid supports science education by incorporating a specialized STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) program in their school. STEM education increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. Innovation leads to new products and processes that sustain our economy. This innovation and science literacy depends on a solid knowledge base in the STEM areas. It is clear that most jobs of the future will require a basic understanding of math and science. 10-year employment projections by the U.S. Department of Labor show that of the 20 fastest growing occupations projected for 2014, 15 of them require significant mathematics or science preparation. Specially trained STEM teachers are leading our students to become critical thinkers and the innovators of tomorrow.

SRWS held their annual Science and Engineering Fair on Wednesday, January 23rd. The goal of the fair was to get young adults interested in science and engineering by participating in a science and engineering competition. Ten students were chosen to move on to competition at the Northeast Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSEF) which will be held at Cleveland State University.

Honored with a first place award in the field of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics was Brandon Kenny, son of Kim and Martin Kenny. His project was titled "Does the Wind Work for You?" He tested to see which rotor blade would be the most efficient on a wind turbine. Also taking home a first place award was Michael Sweet, son of Maura and Mike Sweet, with his entry "Stealth Technology: Which Aircraft is the Most Invisible to Radar?" Michael, an avid reader, took his love for reading and turned it into a science project. In his engineering project, he found out how to take invisibility from science fiction to science fact. Lauren Banasik and Hannah Tizzano took home second and third place honors.

Honorable mention went to Jada Mull, Natalie Majc, Julie Trevarthan, Jemimah Antequisa, Jermaine Leonard, Josh Lazanich, Charles Neate, Megan Krisby, Rachel Wallenhorst, and Evan Steigerwald.

Ellen Ivory

Director of Development and Discipleship at Ss. Robert & William Catholic Parish, Euclid Chamber of Commerce Trustee, Euclid Hospital Leadership Council, Euclid Symphony Orchestra Trustee

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Volume 4, Issue 1, Posted 12:50 PM, 02.13.2013