Students Earn State Championship in Speechwriting Competition

Each year the eighth graders at Ss. Robert and William Catholic School participate in the Modern Woodmen of America Speech Competition. Through this endeavor, students learn how to write and deliver a speech in a professional manner. Eighth grade English teacher, Mrs. Patrice Garuckas works very hard to prepare these students so that they are able to give the best speech possible. Her hard work and dedication certainly showed this year, when two of her students came in first and second in the state competition. This is the first time students from Ss. Robert and William have earned this honor.

John Henry Posey and Briana Caronchi worked very hard to create two wonderful speeches on the topic, “Volunteers who have made a difference in America.” In her speech on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Briana discussed how Extreme Makeover helped to rebuild part of the community of Joplin, Missouri after tornadoes devastated the area. In her speech Briana explained how thousands of volunteers showed up and helped to build seven new homes in seven days. This speech was well executed and Briana came in second place in the state competition.

The speech that John Henry gave was written on one of his heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In his speech he discussed how Dr. King was a true American volunteer and served the country by working towards civil rights by showing love to all Americans. In the conclusion of his speech, John Henry states, “Dr. King tried to cure this disease (hatred) with the simplest thing, love. So if we truly want to keep Dr. King’s dream alive and keep America’s reputation as great as it is, let us start by treating our neighbor with respect, dignity and kindness.”  These words are quite impressive, and helped him to take first place.

Through this accomplishment, John Henry was asked to record his speech for the National Competition. The results of the National Competition should be announced within the next few weeks. Until then, both Briana and John Henry are preparing to begin their high school careers at Villa Angela – St. Joseph.


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Volume 3, Issue 7, Posted 11:29 AM, 08.12.2012