Request your Vote-by-Mail application NOW for the November 3, 2020 election
Ohio voters have until noon 3 days before the election, Saturday, October 31st, to submit an application to Vote-by-Mail. There is an additional step in the process that must be taken even sooner, which is to submit a request to have the application mailed to you.
To be sure your vote counts, be sure to request your application right away on the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections (BOE) web site (
Consider the time it will take to do the following:
1. request application to vote by mail
2. wait to receive application to vote by mail
3. complete and send application to vote by mail (BOE must receive by 10/31)
4. wait to receive ballot
5. complete ballot AND
a) must be hand-delivered to BOE by 7:30 on election day, 11/3, by voter or a close family member
b) must be postmarked by the night before election day, 11/2, and BOE must receive within 10 days
If you still need to register, or update your registration (i.e. change of name or address), then this process will take even longer.
If you have access to a printer, you can print your own application and skip to step 3, but you still have to make sure to give yourself plenty of time to send in the completed application, get you ballot and return it by the deadline.
A voter with a qualifying disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may vote remotely using the remote ballot marking system.