• Continue to support the development of projects that will increase tax revenue for the city.
• Continue to hold regular Financial Update Work sessions with the Finance Director so Council
can make informed decisions based on current budgetary status of the City.
Euclid City Council feels it is in the City’s best long-term interests to consistently work toward
implementing the goals and initiatives enumerated within the recently completed and adopted Master
Plan. (February 2018) Council will continue to encourage development of projects that are
beneficial to our city’s growth.
• Continue to research and seek out Public/Private Partnerships within the framework of City
operations and assets. Partnerships may be viable alternatives as Federal, State, and Local Laws
are created and/or revised promoting such partnerships.
• Continue to encourage and support infrastructure investment, retail recruitment and
beautification efforts to vital commercial districts, such as E. 185, E. 200, E. 222, Lakeshore
Blvd. and Euclid Avenue.
• Enhance neighborhood centers through retail, restaurants and activities that attract
investment by developing and supporting Special Improvement Districts (SIDs) in targeted
neighborhood centers. Also work in collaboration with ‘shared’ staff to support the downtown SID.
Council will continue to seek out opportunities to:
• Support the Euclid Police and Fire their mission.
• Enhance Resident/Police relationship opportunities
• Support opportunities for enhanced training for our Safety Forces.
• Support Personal wellness services for Safety staff.
• Discuss the potential need for a Safety Levy to assure our Safety Forces have the
resources/incentives necessary to perform their roles in today’s environment.
• Develop and implement a Crisis Management/Communications Strategy for the City in this
calendar year so we consistently and appropriately manage any city issue.
CITY ASSETS - Goals specified are operational and strategic
• Formulate a plan for disposition of the house/property next to the Euclid Historical property.
The plan would include use and funding for implementation.
• Investigate and develop a long-term strategy for Capital funding to a level necessary to
responsibly maintain our City assets on a consistent/continual basis. This will be done in
collaboration of the City Administration. This investigation may include a review of the policies
of the Bond Debt Service Fund.
• Seek public/private partnerships where appropriate.
Shore Cultural Centre
• Continue to explore alternatives and options for Shore Cultural Centre with the
overriding goal of reducing the annual subsidy needed to operate this City asset.
• Establish a Committee to review the 2015 ‘Five Year Strategic Plan’ for Shore to determine
“next steps” for the future of the Building in our Community. Determine what, if any, revisions
need to be addressed and identify a process to ensure its long-term health, vibrancy and success by
year end 2021.
• Clarify the mission, image/value proposition for the future
• Work with qualified economic development, marketing and real estate professionals to review
and explore alternative development and/or ownership options for Shore Cultural Centre; including
conversion to a more general incubator space, co-working space, live-work space or other economic
development activity.
• Continue to explore the pros and cons of different ownership and management structures,
Briardale Greens Golf Course:
• Through the Assets Committee, analyze and evaluate usage data, operations, management and
needed improvements (both operational and capital) as recommended by Billy Casper.
• Discuss and determine future sustainability of golf course, (benefits and constraints to City)
• Develop a short and longer term operational and capital plan for the course,
• Research and discuss other possible programs that could be added to generate more interest and
• Discuss TIF generation as a mechanism to pay for improvements.
• Promote community engagement that brings together all ages and diverse communities in Euclid.
• Modernize the city logo.
• Establishing neighborhood character areas, utilizing wayfinding tools.
• Display the Euclid flag on City owned structures. This flag was developed by Euclid residents
and supported by Euclid City Council.
• Working with the Planning and Development Department, to design and conduct outreach and
development opportunities for/ with commercial real estate brokers, Opportunity Zone projects, and
showcasing specific sites such as the Waterfront Project, etc.
NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVES/REVITALIZATION – Goals include development of a new Community Development
Corporation (CDC), to focus on limited redevelopments and community image.
• Engage residents in exploration and better understanding of the capabilities of a CDC.
• Continue the formation of a new CDC and complete a strategic plan which is to focus on limited
redevelopments and community image
• Encourage EDCOR to participate in a strategic planning process in order to expand their
services and increase community impact throughout the city.
• Establish a ‘Euclid Avenue Revitalization Committee’ to focus on all aspects of revitalizing
the Euclid Avenue corridor from our shared border with Cleveland on the West to our shared border
with Wickliffe on the East. Roadway improvements, streetscaping, and economic development will be
the primary concerns addressed. The primary goal is to restore the City of Euclid’s portion of the
Euclid Avenue corridor to a vibrant and viable economic and residential community utilizing work
previously done by the Euclid Avenue Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI),
(Nov. 2013), and supported by the City’s Masterplan adopted by Euclid City Council on February
5th,2018. There is a projected 24- month timeline for the fulfillment of the initial stages of
development for the Euclid Corridor.
• Work with Law Department and Planning Department to update the Land Bank Disposition Policies
to ensure their relevance to our current housing market and long–term City goals for redevelopment,
and to ensure decisions are made through a consistent process.
• Allow and support the use of Land Bank lots for Community garden expansion in neighborhoods
throughout the city.
• Review City-owned land for consideration as community-managed pocket parks, especially in
neighborhoods with limited green space and parcels at major intersections.
• Provide continued support on E. 185th Street Revitalization Project in accordance with the
City’s Master Plan.
• Collaborate with ‘Keep Euclid Beautiful, Shade Tree Commission, Memorial Park Community and
other land conservation groups to develop a Parks Master Plan that considers specific design
improvements at smaller neighborhood parks and community gardens, as well as Memorial Park and the
public Lakefront parks.
• Emphasize enforcement of current housing and building ordinances to reduce blight.
• Review City’s housing incentive program along with ordinances that impact redevelopment,
rehabilitation and new housing starts.
• Set priorities for Housing Dept. on Code Review, enforcement and accountability. We will work
with the housing manager, CBO and housing staff to ensure that we are consistent in our code
enforcement and that consistency will be evidenced throughout the department:
-by applying our existing code,
-following the computer systems diary code for timely follow up.
• Recommend areas of revision and/or enhancement in our planning and zoning code that are
outdated or antiquated. Addressing issues that are of greatest concern for our residents will be
prioritized first by obtaining P & Z reports on cases presented. This initiative will be ongoing
with measured success by year-end 2020 and 2021.
• Develop and implement a consistent accountable “Concierges Services” process for businesses by
end of 2020 to insure consistent constructive interactions for businesses within Euclid.
• Adopt Zero Waste principles to maximize recycling and minimize waste at all City meetings and
events in order to eliminate single-use plastic, Styrofoam and other non-biodegradable materials to
ensure more sustainable solid waste management practices at the municipal level.
• Expand green infrastructure opportunities throughout the city by seeking minimum LEED
certification as part of municipal building renovations or construction, increasing tree and native
plantings within existing parks, open spaces and development projects, preserving existing deep
setbacks within commercial districts and utilizing rain garden and bioswales to mitigate storm
water flow into sewer systems.
• Continue to work on green infrastructure and how it might be applied to individual property
• Discuss and determine purpose and use of future green space at Lakeshore Blvd water
REVIEW OF CITY ORDINANCES – The goal is to ensure our city ordinances are in current compliance
State statute, and that they have relevance in today’s community.
• Discuss and review current City Ordinances to ensure consistency with the ORC.
• Discuss enforcement of current ordinances:
-to reduce blight.
-to insure Euclid laws are consistent with recent changes to the ORC.
-to address specific laws that have been questioned by members of council.
-to determine how laws directly impact the lives of the residents.
OTHER – This category contains goals that do not fit nicely under the other categories, but were
acknowledged to be important enough to list.
• Continue to develop a consistent communications strategy to be utilized routinely by those
responsible for messaging in the City.
• Discuss and potentially hire a “Communications” person for the City of Euclid to assure a
fair and balanced dialogue is accomplished in all aspects of reporting to media, organizations, the
residents, City Council and City staff. This FTE would further build a consistent message and
forge important public relationships that would consistently enhance and benefit the image of
• Actively participate in Strategic Healthcare Committee to monitor current Healthcare expenses/
benefits to assure “best in value” Healthcare strategy going forward in next year(s) to assure most
efficacious and sustainable impact for the City.
All Goals listed by City Council require the coordination and cooperation of the City Department
Directors, staff and the Mayor. In collaboration with the Administration we can address these
proactive strategies in a timely manner to benefit
the residents of Euclid going forward.