Takahata Talk

God promises everything we need for life so that our joy may overflow!  Practicing Christians cling to this thought.  I especially cling to this truth every time I must be in a group setting with family members who are “unequally yoked.”

Only one determination gets me out my door.  And, it’s never about the joy I need to receive.

My simple determination (prayer) is to take them my joy!  So, with this delightful challenge of service to others leading the way, it is effortless to smile my goofy smile as intense hope hugs me along the way.

Now, can you guess who comes home radiant with even more joy, every time?

Publishers note: This is the first in a series by a wonderful local author. She is an American of Japanese descent born in Hawaii during World War II.

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Volume 11, Issue 3, Posted 5:25 PM, 03.09.2020