Introducing: Health Hugs from Move That Mountain Health Coaching, by Natalie

Hug 1: Eating fruits and veggies in their peak season offer the most nutrients and best flavors over those bought out of season from unnatural farming. This time of year, we have the yummiest fruits available, soon apples and fall veggies will be here. Enjoy our fresh summer fruits while in season. 

Hug 2: To buy organic or not? Buy organic when trying to limit pesticide exposure. 

These foods are commonly referred to as:

The Dirty dozen, 12 fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide loads. 

The Clean 15 are the fruits and vegetables with the least pesticide residue. 

Clean 15: Doesn’t Need to be Organic

  1. Asparagus                                        
  2. Avocados
  3. Cabbage
  4. Cantaloupe
  5. Cauliflower
  6. Eggplant
  7. Grapefruit
  8. Kiwi
  9. Mangoes
  10. Onions
  11. Papayas
  12. Pineapples
  13. Sweet corn 
  14. Sweet peas (frozen) 
  15. Sweet potatoes 

Dirty Dozen: Always Choose Organic  

1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Cherry tomatoes 4. Cucumbers
5. Grapes
6. Nectarines
7. Peaches
8. Potatoes
9. Snap peas
10. Spinach
11. Strawberries
12. Sweet bell peppers 

Hello, My name is Natalie and I am a Health Coach.
What is a health coach? 
Someone who wants You to be Healthy,  who stretches you to achieve goals you never thought were possible.
I am part cheerleader, part tough love coach, a master of habit change and best of all, a student of life! 

My mission is that everyone who wants to will have the opportunity to live their lives well and achieve their health and wellness goals.

Through all my of passionate research, nursing practice, caring for and teaching others using psychology, nutrition guidelines hope and a lot of prayers I have found the best way to truly help people attain their goals. 

I’ve discovered what was holding me back and stopping me from having the life of my dreams and I traded in a job for my life passion to share my knowledge strength and hope.
I changed my game and now I am on a journey of building healthy habits that align with what I want to feel every day. 

I want all of you to be healthy in mind and body to take charge and show up for yourself in health and life. 

I offer a one-hour Free discovery session by phone or video chat. A no pressure or commitment opportunity to explore areas in your life that need recognition and support. In this session you will: 

-Discover what’s stopping you, slowing you down and keeping you from having the body or a life change you want.

-Discover a powerful vision for your body and lifestyle transformation and what that will mean to you.

-Identify which foods lifestyle habits you currently have that maybe bring you down And what to do about it

-Develop a step-by-step plan to create a total body and life so transformation.

I have found after working  20 + years as a practitioner, doctors, dietitians and other healthcare professionals do not have the time or the skills to help people stay motivated and follow through to get lasting results for what is expected for their health. People default to set habits even though these make them feel worse.

A Health Coach will provide the right system, support, and accountability so simple actions can result in big accomplishments.

If you could benefit from losing weight, gaining energy or making lifestyle changes that last. Call me for a worth your while Discovery Session.
This is an opportunity to give yourself the respect and love your health deserves. 

Slow down to the speed of life and see what you will discover.

I provide one on one group sessions, as well as educational wellness tips and talks for any size groups!

Call or email me now and start Moving That Mountain!

Now is your time, Coach Natalie-Jo Flynn, RN, MSN, Health and life Coach 216-406-0154,

Natalie-Jo Flynn

I am Natalie and I am a Health and Life Coach. I've had 22 years in medicine and have taken a new path thats best for me. My mission is to Share my Passion and knowledge, strengths and experiences and connect people with their will to be well. Its easier to stay well that to get well, And I want to help guide and advocate, teach and support our community the best way I know how and thats with My knowledge and passion.

Read More on Health
Volume 9, Issue 8, Posted 9:04 AM, 08.04.2018