Autism Treatment Success Awareness

Autism Awareness must be more than just disorder awareness. It must be about educating the village on what to do, how to act, where to go and how to help. I do not have a child with autism, but I do have three children. I don’t have a niece or nephew with autism, but I do have a niece and nephews. I know what autism is, but I don’t know what to do about it, how to treat it or how to help a family with a child with autism…up until now.

This past summer, by chance, I met a lovely woman named Lynette at a graduation picnic of a friend’s son. He was going off to college in the fall and the party was his big celebratory send off. We were watching as his family reveled in his accomplishments, we viewed beautifully strung memories and photographs in the garage above the cake and food tables, reminding us all of how far their son had come since infancy.

As the guests around me were sitting, standing, playing games and eating, I was in my own little world, drawn to stories about another kind of success; sweet success for children with autism. The disorder is so common it seems (just look at studies over the last 15-30 years and you’ll notice the increase in diagnosis). I don’t feel I should be telling you about the disorder itself, but the solutions available instead.

I was so mesmerized by the idea that success (progress) for children with autism could be achieved (and here, locally) that I exchanged numbers with Lynette that afternoon in June and we promised to get in touch so that I could visit her treatment center and learn more.

Finally, a whole seven months later, after keeping in touch but being busy enough to keep us from scheduling, I made my first visit to her center. What I witnessed there, I will never forget. I set aside three hours for my first visit and I could have stayed all day. The experience drew every memory and emotion out of me from when my children were small. How? You say. My children are not on the spectrum, you say. You are right, I say, but what if they were? I would definitely have hope after being here.

If professionals told me 19 years ago that my child would probably not talk, sit still, eat on his/her own or use the bathroom (just to start) I would freeze. I would panic. I would cry…probably for a long time. I might find myself in shock every day at the newfound (unwanted) diagnosis and challenges that faced me each morning.

After visiting the center, attending a class there (one of many they offer parents), hearing testimonies of local families and watching children and staff interact, I’m here to tell you that I am in shock for another reason. At Lynette’s Integrations Treatment Center I know there is hope and a way to help kids and families. The methods there just different, they make you think. Think that kids diagnosed with autism have more ahead of them than many realize.

If you or someone you know is looking for help and hope, please watch this 2-minute true story movie trailer about a family who found help:

One last thing I’d like to share from another mom’s mouth but liked to be left anonymous “be sure to mention even when the doctors don't give you any hope, there is always a light at the end. I remember leaving the doctors office feeling hopeless and helpless. Early intervention is very important and a quality program will make a huge difference.”

Check out the video now and if you’d like to read more parenting articles, please visit my blog at:

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Volume 8, Issue 4, Posted 5:16 PM, 04.11.2017