Animal Ambassadors

In this photo you can see an amazing animal (python) held be one of the Animal Ambassadors. Such an AMAZING animal!

By Tony Jordan

Today we witnessed the bearded dragon, hedgehog, arctic fox, joey kangaroo, snake. The dragon was very unique, and lives in desserts, the hedgehog could be found under ground, the artic fox is most likely in antarctica, the kangaroo could be found in Australia, and last the snake could be found in foreign jungles.

By BK Kennedy

Today Animal Ambassadors came to our school and show us some amazing animals and some interesting facts about the animals. We also took some pictures and that’s my report.

By Brian Billups

A special visit happened at Imagine Bella. The Animal Ambassadors visited Imagine bella and took the students on a wild adventure (not really), but it was awesome take it from a student.

Volume 6, Issue 10, Posted 5:29 PM, 10.12.2015