There is a Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

As we learn (and relearn) beginning in childhood, some truths and sayings are universal in nature and practice.  It seems that parents around the world encourage their children to acknowledge their mistakes by simply saying, “I’m sorry”.  In that statement children come to experience and realize that making mistakes is a universal human experience, and an inescapable and undeniable part of being human.

On Thursday, January 30th, the 2nd grade children of Our Lady of the Lake parish (who are fondly referred to as “Children of Light”), along with their parents who were leading by their own example, celebrated their First Reconciliation (First Confession).  As they prepare to say “Amen” to the Body and Blood of Christ this May when they receive First Eucharist (First Communion), they are asked to first take time to say, “I’m sorry,” both to God and also in the company of their family and friends, which is their primary faith community.

They had prepared and practiced for three months, considering first that God is always ready and willing to forgive any child (of any age!) who sincerely asks to be forgiven.  They were next asked to carefully consider the difference between an “accident” and a “sin.”  With the support of their parents and encouragement of their catechists, Mrs. Jennifer Adams and Mrs. Laura Koeth, the Children of Light generated examples of accidents and sins with which they were familiar.  Finally, they observed a role-play Confession as part of their final preparation and practice to celebrate their own First Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Sacrament in which we are reminded both of God’s great love and our great need to say “I’m sorry” as part of being a person of faith, a member of a family, and a member of the Roman Catholic faith community. Here at Our Lady of the Lake, this is one of the ways our community grows, and we enjoy sharing these traditions with our larger community.

Sarah Gyorki

By Shawn Witmer, Pastoral Associate, Our Lady of the Lake Parish

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Volume 5, Issue 2, Posted 6:04 PM, 03.14.2014